I hope that everyone had a great Easter Weekend! Mine was filled with a killer workout class that still has my legs aching, another trip to the farmers market, and a lazy Sunday spent with my love. If that wasn’t enough the oh so lovely Sarah from the blog Life that we share nominated me for the lobster award!
I am obsessed with Sarah’s blog, as someone who isn’t always creative in the kitchen I can’t help but go to her blog for some food inspiration. Her almond joy macaroons have just been added to my to-do list, they look delicious! To be nominated by someone I look to for inspiration completely humbles me, so thank you Sarah for the nomination! I am truly over the moon!!
If you are a little unfamiliar with the Liebster award it is an award that is passed from blogger to blogger. It’s a good way to get to know new bloggers and spread the love…because as we all know networking is key to almost anything! Part of the Liebster award is answering a few questions, so here goes.
Here are the Rules:
1) Thank and link the person that nominated you
2) Answer the 11 questions asked by the person that nominated you
3) Nominate 5-11 blogs with under 200 followers and link them ( Some are close to 200 and I love your blog so I chose you)
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you nominate to answer
5) Notify your nominees via social media
What’s your blog about?
Amelia B. in the Big D. is a lifestyle and fashion blog for the girl on a budget. I started the blog to showcase my style but it quickly evolved from a fashion blog to an all-encompassing blog from what I wore to home DIY’s.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Well if you were to ask my 5 year old self what I wanted to be you would get 2 answers A.) A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and B.) A fashion designer. Growing up in North Texas the Dallas Cowboys were the team to support, and they had the gorgeous cheerleaders in their iconic uniforms. Since I couldn’t be one full time I would have to be a fashion designer on the side… you know part time! To be honest a part of me would still love that, however the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader dream might be a little far fetched for me at this stage in my life! I still dream of designing my own clothing/jewelry line one day. Sewing and making jewelry is a huge hobby of mine.
What is your favorite beauty product?
Oh gosh..this is a hard one. I am a makeup/beauty junkie so to pick one is going to be torture! I would say right now my favorite beauty product is the Becca Ever Matte Shine Proof foundation! I have searched forever to find something I could wear all day without looking like an oil slick by afternoon. This product has been my go to lately and it seriously keeps me about 95% matte all day (even when it’s hot and humid out). I usually just have to touch up my t-zone once with an oil absorbing cloth or a dusting of powder. Since this discovery I have become obsessed with Becca’s whole line. I love that its cruelty free and some products are even vegan!! Their beach tint shimmer soufflĂ© (in watermelon/moonstone) is also up there on my list. It adds the perfect amount of color and a bit of highlighter, and it is super easy to apply (I use my Beauty Blender).
What brand is your favorite pair of jeans?
Hands down Joe’s Jeans. They fit my curvy hips, hold up really well and you can always find them at TJ maxx for 1/2 the price! My close second would be Ann Taylor lofts jeans, their boyfriend jeans are a staple in my closet!!
Tell me about your favorite day in your life?
This is a hard one, but to date my favorite day would have to be Ryan and I’s first real big date. He took me to Fredericksburg for our first Valentines together to go wine tasting. He had planned an entire day of tastings at 9 different winery’s including Pedernales Cellars (because my cat is named Pedernales). On our way down we played a game where we would answer questions to get to know each other. It was really fun, some were serious some were goofy. Once we got to our first stop we headed inside since it was cold and rainy. The wine was great and the company even better. Winery number 3 is where things made a turn. We decided to go on a cellar tour where we walked around the cellar and got to taste the wine straight from the barrel…normally this should have been 3-4 tastings it really ended up being 2-3 glasses… oh and we still had 6 more tastings in the private tasting room at this point. Needless to say driving anywhere was out of the question. So we walked to the lone food truck and ate some crepes and chatted while we sobered up. Unfortunately that is where we had to end, 3/9 winery’s! After that we headed to san Antonio walked around the river walk and had dinner in the tower of the Americas. To this day we still laugh at how drunk we got by 10:30 in the morning, but that we had the best time together and still have a fun story to tell about our first Valentine’s day.
Why did you start blogging?
The biggest reason was to share my outfits and shopping habits. As someone who loves a good sale I get a lot of my designer finds on clearance and tend to be on top of my sale game. I started with Instagram and kept getting comments on where my clothing was from , how I made something, or where did I find it on sale so I decided to start my little blog to showcase my personal thrifty style and obsession with DIYing. Plus it’s a good way to keep my family in the know! Right now I am mainly using my blog as a means to document my NO clothing/shoes/bags/accessories shopping for a year…to keep me honest!
Where is your favorite place in your house?
My bed duh! Just kidding..well kind of, its super cozy. I really love my guest bedroom. It has a great gallery wall, my DIY headboard and is full of color. The light in this room is magical in the afternoon so it’s a fun place to come and sit in when I am trying to get away from the craziness that comes from my 2 cats and Dog.
Coffee or Tea?
Hands down tea! I am not a huge coffee drinker unless it has all kinds of sugar/syrup and is topped with whipped cream from Starbucks. I grew up on tea living in the south so I tend to gravitate towards it, but it has to be un-sweet. Sweet tea to me is a big NO, I am not real big on sugary stuff!
Tell me about your favorite DIY project!
Another hard one… this is a toss up between two 1.) my DIY headboard or 2.) my DIY rosette skirt. Both of these were firsts for me and I sort of just made up how I did it. My skirt only involved one crying session which is good since the fabric was a nightmare to sew and my headboard that cost under 100.00 was a steal compared to the cost of the one I found at World Market.
Where do you get outfit inspiration?
I tend to get my outfit inspiration from a little bit of everywhere. I really love the Blogs Gal meets glam and Atlantic-Pacific. I don’t own as many high end pieces as these ladies do but I try to incorporate my items that I have that are similar to create timeless outfits. Pinterest is a great place as well, but it tends to make me want to shop so I have been avoiding it lately. Currently though, my style inspiration comes from Hilary Rushford of Dean Street Society style challenges. She puts together prompts that give you a theme for that particular day. So it is easy to go to your closet and pick out something that goes along with that theme and it also breathes new life into your closet.
Now that you know a little about me I am passing on the torch to a few other fellow bloggers to share!
My questions for the nominees:
1.) what is your blog about?
2.) What made you start a blog?
3.) What is your favorite color?
4.) If you could splurge on one thing without any guilt or worry of the cost what would it be?
5.)Morning or Night person?
6.) What is the most listened to song on your playlist?
7.)Name one thing that makes you unique you?
8.)What is your dream job?
9.) What is your favorite day in your life so far?
10.) Where is your favorite place to vacation?
11.) Who is someone you look up to (real or fictional)?
I nominate:
Cassidy- Lupus Combat
Amber-Amber-Oliver in the loop
Vanessa- Vente by Vanessa
Sarah- The Fierce Glamour
Amelia B.
Thank you so much for the nomination! I'm so glad I got to meet you at Thrive!! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome! I am so glad I got to meet you too! I need to head to Houston again when you ladies get together again!!